Studies on the rumen flagellate Neocallimastix frontalis.
Plant Diseases Caused by Flagellate Protozoa (Phytomonas)
Orpin CG.. Studies on the rumen flagellate Neocallimastix frontalis. J Gen Microbiol 91: 249-262
Significance of Viral Lysis and Flagellate Grazing as Factors Controlling Bacterioplankton Production in a Eutrophic Lake
Flagellate Predation on a Bacterial Model Community: Interplay of Size-Selective Grazing, Specific Bacterial Cell Size, and Bacteri...
Kill and Eat Your Predator: A Winning Strategy of the Planktonic Flagellate Prymnesium parvum
Contrasting bacterial strategies to coexist with a flagellate predator in an experimental microbial assemblage.
Hydrogenosome, a Cytoplasmic Organelle of the Anaerobic Flagellate Tritrichomonas foetus, and Its Role in Pyruvate Metabolism
Bacterial Filament Formation, a Defense Mechanism against Flagellate Grazing, Is Growth Rate Controlled in Bacteria of Different Ph...
Changes in Bacterial Community Composition and Dynamics and Viral Mortality Rates Associated with Enhanced Flagellate Grazing in a M...