- The girl looked happy in her new flannel.
女孩穿着新的法兰绒衣服,看上去很高兴。 - He bought a pair of cricket flannels yesterday.
昨天他买了一条法兰绒男裤。 - You should dry your hands by a face flannel.
你应该用条毛巾擦干你的手。 - He gave me a lot of flannel but I still don't know the answer to my question.
- Stop flannelling and give a straight answer!
Short Communication: Immobilization of urease from pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) on flannel cloth using polyethyleneimine
The effect of mechanical strain on hyaluronan metabolism in embryonic fibrocartilage cells.
Drought in an evolutionary context: molecular variability in Flannelmouth Sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) from the Colorado River Bas...
Impact of Mainstream Impoundment on the Distribution and Movements of the Resident Flannelmouth Sucker (Catostomidae: Catostomus lat...
Hazard evaluation of inorganics, singly and in mixtures, to flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis in the San Juan River, New Mex...
Combined book, flannelboard and hand puppet
Spawning ecology of flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus lattipinnis (Catostomidae), in two small tributaries of the lower Colorado River
Dominance‐subordinance in cohabiting pairs of adult rats: Effects on Aggressive behavior
Movement and recruitment of flannelmouth suckers in the Paria and Colorado rivers, Arizona
Soft tissue paper