
  • v.

    狞笑( fleer的过去式和过去分词 );讥笑;(做鬼脸表示轻蔑)嘲弄;嘲笑

  • 英英释义

    fleer[ fli:ə, fliə ]

    • n.
      • someone who flees from an uncongenial situation


      • contempt expressed by mockery in looks or words
    • v.to smirk contemptuously


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    Children's guardians flee red tape
    Electric oil pump
    Socialization to the culture of a rehabilitation hospital: an ethnographic study.
    The Lure Of The Dim Trails - Chapter 12. High Water
    Armenians Remember, Kurds Forget
    20,000 more flee mighty Red; `Operation Noah' is underway as Manitobans brace for worst.(NEWS)
    Allopurinol improves endothelial function in NIDDM, but has no effect in aged-matched and young non-diabetic controls
    Songs of the Ridings by F. W. Moorman
    Rats flee a sinking rat