Flesh-FlyPurification of sarcotoxin II, antibacterial proteins of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) larvae...to develop ESTs for the flesh fly Sarcophaga ...Cold tolerance in diapausing and non‐diapausing stages of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpisPrimary structure of sarcotoxin I, an antibacterial protein induced in the hemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) larvae.Temporal expression patterns of diapause-associated genes in flesh fly pupae from the onset of diapause through post-diapause quiesc...Purification, characterization, and cDNA cloning of an antifungal protein from the hemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) lar...Purification of Sarcophaga (fleshfly) lectin and detection of sarcotoxins in the culture medium of NIH-Sape-4, an embryonic cell lin...Proteomics of the flesh fly brain reveals an abundance of upregulated heat shock proteins during pupal diapausePurification and characterization of an antibacterial protein from haemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh-fly) larvae