- Despite the peace of the early night, lightning was flickering about the horizon.
虽然处在前半夜的宁静中,但闪电正在远方的地平线上忽隐忽现。 - Perhaps sensing my ineptitude, the program generated a second shooter who appeared on my display as a flickering soldier.
Touch-sensitive flickering illuminant
Theta-paced flickering between place-cell maps in the hippocampus
Flickering gives early warning signals of a critical transition to a eutrophic lake state.
Nonlinear visual responses to flickering sinusoidal gratings.
Dopamine neurons release transmitter via a flickering fusion pore.
Flickering fusion pores comparable with initial exocytotic pores occur in protein-free phospholipid bilayers.
Motion aftereffect with flickering test patterns reveals higher stages of motion processing
Flickering fusion pores comparable with initial exocytotic pores occur in protein-free鈥塸hospholipid鈥塨ilayers
Amplitude and phase of responses of macaque retinal ganglion cells to flickering stimuli.
Laser-induced incandescence measurements of soot production in steady and flickering methane, propane, and ethylene diffusion flames