Vitreous FloatersRaptor Floaters at Moffat's EquilibriumSite attachment of floaters predicts success in territory acquisitionHow Fit are Floaters? Consequences of Alternative Territorial Behaviors in a Nonmigratory SparrowFractal distribution of floaters on a fluid surface and the transition to chaos for random mapsAge, intrusion pressure and defence against floaters by territorial male song sparrowsPass‐Through of Exchange Rates and Competition between Floaters and FixersThe "Underworld"in a Territorial Sparrow: Adaptive Strategy for FloatersExtra-pair paternity and the reproductive role of male floaters in the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)The Numerical Response of Great Horned Owls to the Snowshoe Hare Cycle: Consequences of Non-Territorial `Floaters' on Demography