Magnitude-dependence of equivalent comfort contours for fore-and-aft, lateral and vertical hand-transmitted vibration
Non-linear dual-axis biodynamic response to fore-and-aft whole-body vibration
Magnitude-dependence of equivalent comfort contours for fore-and-aft, lateral, and vertical vibration at the foot for seated persons
Tri-axial forces at the seat and backrest during whole-body fore-and-aft vibration
The apparent mass of the seated human body in the fore-and-aft and lateral directions
Absolute thresholds for the perception of fore-and-aft, lateral, and vertical vibration at the hand, the seat, and the foot
Fore-and-aft adjuster for bicycle seat
A model of the vertical apparent mass and the fore-and-aft cross-axis apparent mass of the human body during vertical whole-body vib...
Fore-and-aft adjusting device for head rest
Effect of fore-and-aft, lateral and vertical whole-body vibration on typing