- It is formalistic and impracticable to require that everyone read such works.
要求都读大本子,那是形式主义的,办不到。 - Otherwise one is being false or formalistic in holding the banner high.
The formalistic educational paradigm in Papua New Guinea
The Formalistic Buddhist Image in Qingzhou and Its Development
Prevalence of the formalistic paradigm in African schools
Narrative and Formalistic Approaches to the Study of Multiculturalism
Disputes between Formalistic & Substantial Interpretations: Choice of Criminal Theories
A formalistic method for the performance evaluation of communication networks of distributed computing systems
The self-contradictory foundations of formalistic quantum measurement theories
Reflection and Transcendence of the Traditional Formalistic Moral Education
Does Responsive Regulation Offer an Alternative? Questioning the Role of Formalistic Assessment in Child Protection Investigations
The Precautionary Principle in Support of Practical Reason : an Argument against Formalistic Interpretations of the Precautionary Pr...