- They decided to fortify the coastal areas.
他们决定加强海岸地区的防卫。 - This country will fortify the coastal areas.
该国将加强沿海地区的防御。 - Tungsten is used to fortify steel for cars.
钨可以固化钢铁来生产汽车。 - They fortify the dam against the flood.
他们加固堤坝以防止洪水。 - The medieval town is fortified with a high wall and a deep moat.
这座中世纪的城市用高墙深沟来加强防御。 - Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.
Spinal Cord Explants Use Carbon Nanotube Interfaces To Enhance Neurite Outgrowth and To Fortify Synaptic Inputs
Liposomes as vehicles for vitamins E and C: An alternative to fortify orange juice and offer vitamin C protection after heat treatment
Folate and the risk of stroke: fortify first and ask questions later?
A New Procedure to Fortify Fluid Milk and Dairy Products with High-Bioavailable Ferrous Sulfate
Addition of whey powder to fortify passionfruit juice
Non-volatile dental compositions containing multifunctional acrylate compounds and lacking an oxygen-inhibited layer
Toward a theory of organized multimodal integration patterns during human-computer interaction
Ostracism - Annual Review of Psychology, 58(1):425
Effect of resin surface sealers on improvement of stain resistance for a composite provisional material