- The tiger snarled frighteningly.
Frighteningly good
Frighteningly Similar: Relationship Metaphors Elicit Defensive Information Processing
Greenland's ice cap is melting at a frighteningly fast rate
Isaac Asimov's 1964 Predictions About 2014 Are Frighteningly Accurate
The Mumbai Atrocity Is a Wake-Up Call for a Frighteningly Unprepared Britain; Terror: One of the Mumbai Gunmen
Fashion: Florence Fred; Tesco's `Real People' Must Be a Frighteningly Sorted Crowd of Shoppers, Thinks Catherine Jones
Sorry Gwyn, but You Nasal, Gum-Chewing U.S. Girls Are Frighteningly Sexless and Just Plain Dull; KEVIN O'SULLIVAN STANDS UP FOR ALL ...
Chariot of Fire; It May Be Driven by the Devil and His Henchmen, but Who Cares When the Corvette Goes So Frighteningly Fast?
This computer tech exhibit at the Museum of Municipal Engineering reveals just how frighteningly fast the pace of technology has bee...
'Seal bombs' detonate complaints from night divers: say the devices used to scare away seals erupt in frighteningly loud underwater ...