The business of fructificationMycology - The business of fructificationEarthworm casting effect on Agaricus bisporus fructificationSaisonnalite et determinisme du pic de fructification en foret guyanaise.Saisonnalité et déterminisme du pic de fructification en forêt guyanaiseFactors influencing fructification phenology of edible mushrooms in a boreal mixed forest of Eastern CanadaOn a New Structurally Preserved Arborescent Lycopsid Fructification from the Lower Pennsylvanian of North AmericaThe influence of climate and fructification on the inter-annual variability of stem growth and net primary productivity in an old-gr...Identification and mapping of a major gene (Ft1) involved in fructification time in the interspecific cross Coffea pseudozanguebaria...Protein kinase A subunits of the ascomycete pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola regulate asexual fructification, filamentation, mela...