- The exquisite flowers come alive in shades of fuchsia and amethyst.
The taboo of cancer: the experiences of cancer disclosure by Iranian patients, their family members and physiciansConvergence Groups are Fuchsian GroupsThe use of chloroplast DNA to assess biogeography and evolution of morphology, breeding systems, and flavonoids in Fuchsia sect. Ski...The systematics and evolution of Fuchsia sect. Fuchsia (Onagraceae).The evolution of floral color change: pollinator attraction versus physiological constraints in Fuchsia excorticata.Effect of nectar-robbing birds on fruit set of Fuchsia magellanica in Tierra Del Fuego: a disrupted mutualism.Finitely Maximal Fuchsian GroupsA characterization of arithmetic Fuchsian groupsPhylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Fuchsia (Onagraceae) based on noncoding nuclear and chloroplast DNA dataMarkov maps associated with fuchsian groups