Long-term stability of Class II furcation defects treated with barrier membranes.
Guided tissue regeneration in degree II furcation‐involved mandibular molars
Guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of furcation defects in man.
The Influence of Molar Furcation Involvement and Mobility on Future Clinical Periodontal Attachment Loss
Evaluation of an Absorbable Collagen Membrane in Treating Class II Furcation Defects
Periodontal regeneration in class III furcation defects of beagle dogs using guided tissue regenerative therapy with platelet-derive...
Periodontal regeneration in human Class II furcations using purified recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB)...
The use of autogenous periosteal grafts as barriers for the treatment of Class II furcation involvements in lower molars.
A systematic review of guided tissue regeneration for periodontal furcation defects. What is the effect of guided tissue regeneratio...
Recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) stimulates periodontal regeneration in class II furcation defects created in...