Assessment of the abnormal growth of floating macrophytes in Winam Gulf;(Kenya) by using MODIS imagery time series
“La relazione terapeutica e prospettiva evolutiva in psicoanalisi. Sviluppi recenti del paradigma freudiano"
"Raccontando l'ore e i giorni": Bandello narratore tra Rime e Novelle
La niña de tus ojos, di Fernando Trueba : analisi del doppiaggio italiano e riflessioni sul ruolo dell'interprete
Snowplow mounting, removal, and storage system
Macarrão pode ser opção de comida saudável, saborosa e equilibrada
Flow cytometric characterization of human umbilical cord blood lymphocytes: immunophenotypic features
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis: evaluation of damage to nontumorou...
Alterations of bone turnover and bone mass at different skeletal sites due to pure glucocorticoid excess: study in eumenorrheic pati...
Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of aortic dissection