- They rested on a futon, listened to music and were encouraged to revisit their trauma.
Matratze für ein Zweipersonenbett Mattress for a two-person bedThe FUTON Prototype: Measurement Results for MMSE-Precoding with a Novel Integrated Optical/Wireless ArchitectureImpact of FUTON and NAA bias on visibility of researchThe FUTON Prototype: Proof of Concept for Coordinated Multi-Point in Conjunction with a Novel Integrated Wireless/Optical ArchitectureImpact of FUTON and NAA bias on visibility of researchThe FUTON prototype: Broadband communication through coordinated multi-point using a novel integrated optical/wireless architectureA case of thymoma arising from undescended thymus[Special cloth futon-cover (Miroguard) as a protection against house dust mite exposure]Fiber Optic Networks for Distributed Radio Architectures: FUTON Concept and OperationNext generation distributed and heterogeneous radio architectures: the FUTON project