- His desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.
他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。 - Their kitchen is so full of gadgetry that you can hardly move.
GadgetryGadgetryGadgetry, Scopes, and Video SurgeryEmphasis on biology rather than gadgetryTHE HUMAN ELEMENT: When Gadgetry Becomes StrategyTechnical Gadgetry: Technological Development in the Aesthetic EconomyArt and gadgetry: The future of the museum visit (The audioguide innovation)A boy and his toys : technology and gadgetry in the James Bond filmsDesigning Nanogadgetry for Nanoelectronic Devices with Nitrogen‐Doped Capped Carbon NanotubesAmbulatory blood pressure monitoring: fancy gadgetry or clinically useful exercise?