GalatiaGalatiaGalatiaGrace in GalatiaGalatians: A Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Churches in GalatiaPaul: crisis in Galatia: Paul's opponents in GalatiaPaul : crisis in Galatia : a study in early Christian theologyThe Epistle of Paul to the Churches of GalatiaBook Review: Grace in Galatia: A Commentary on Paul's Letter to the GalatiansTertiary volcanism of the Galatia province, north-west Central Anatolia, TurkeyLITHos ( D Tertiary volcanism of the Galatia province , north-west CentralThe Curse of the Law and the Crisis in Galatia: Reassessing the Purpose of GalatiansComing of Age and Putting on Christ: The Toga Virilis Ceremony, Its Paraenesis, and Paul's Interpretation of Baptism in Galatians