INTERFACE ELEMENTS OF SCIENTIFIC WEB-RESOURCE PHYSIONET AND IMPORT DATA TO COMPUTER MATHEMATICS SYSTEM MAPLE 17ЕЛЕМЕНТИ ІНТЕРФЕЙСУ НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНОГО WEB-РЕСУРСУ PHYSIONET ТА ІМПОРТ ДАНИХ ...Humor-based applicationsAnnual report for 1969/70.ASPECTE REGIONALE DE DEZVOLTARE A INFRASTRUCTURII SOCIALE A LOCALITĂŢILOR RURALE DIN UCRAINA REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASPECTS OF THE S...Economic Games on the Internet: The Effect of $1 StakesImproving Productivity in Citizen Science through Controlled InterventionPotassium and cesium thiocyanate complexes with diphenyloxa-21-crown-7: Synthesis and vibration spectra. Selective properties of dip...Aiming Device and Method for GunsSecured locking device