gamma ray n. 伽马射线,γ射线
gamma knife n. 伽玛刀
gamma globulin丙种球蛋白;伽玛球蛋白
gamma radiation伽玛辐射
gamma distribution伽马分配;伽马分布
gamma correction图像灰度校正
gamma irradiation伽马辐照
- Therefore Gamma knife curing certainly will become a key method to cure these patients.
Cellular responses to interferon-gamma.
mPPAR gamma 2: tissue-specific regulator of an adipocyte enhancer.
Interferon-gamma: an overview of signals, mechanisms and functions.
PPAR-gamma agonists inhibit production of monocyte inflammatory cytokines.
A presenilin-1-dependent gamma-secretase-like protease mediates release of Notch intracellular domain.
Sirt1 promotes fat mobilization in white adipocytes by repressing PPAR-gamma.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma is a negative regulator of macrophage activation.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha): transcriptional coactivator and metabolic regula...
A prostaglandin J2 metabolite binds peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and promotes adipocyte differentiation
An antidiabetic thiazolidinedione is a high affinity ligand for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma).