- He hurries down the gangplank to hug his waiting wife .
他匆匆忙忙走下跳板,张开双臂去拥抱等候着他的妻子。 - The passengers stepped down gingerly from the narrow gangplank.
乘客们战战兢兢地从狭窄的跳板上走下船来。 - The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping.
Gangplank - natječaj
Gangplank to a Warm Future
Control loss and Fayol’s gangplanks ☆
Word Sense Discrimination: A Gangplank Algorithm
Walking the gangplank; ecological correlates of extinction in fossil mammals
A test of the “gangplank syndrome” among recent migrants to the upper great lakes region
Hydrogeologic significance of Ogallala fluvial environments, the Gangplank
Institutional Dilemmas of Hydraulic Fracking: Economic Bonanza, Renewable Energy Bridge, or Gangplank to Disaster?
Concerns of Newcomer and Longtime Residents in Nonmetropolitan Idaho Communities: Does the "Gangplank"Theory Apply to Older Populat...