THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF GAPESEED EXTRACTMaking dispersal syndromes and networks useful in tropical conservation and restorationEffect of GSP on enzyme activity, relative weight of internal organs and routine blood test for weaned pigletsFruit㏒ize, Gape Width, and the Diets of Fruit〦ating BirdsFruit-Size, Gape Width, and the Diets of Fruit-Eating BirdsA Study of Avian Frugivores, Bird-Dispersed Plants, and Their Interaction in Mediterranean ScrublandsMethods and apparatus for playing casino card games including a progressive jackpotJSTOR: Ecology, Vol. 66, No. 3 (Jun., 1985), pp. 808-818Functional bases of fiber length and angulation in muscleScatter-and clump-dispersal and seedling demography: hypothesis and implications