Garniture tongue of a garniture device
Normale und polyploide Chromosomengarnituren bei einigen Drosophila-Arten
The equivalence of a jointed shield-driven tunnel lining to a continuo...
Effect of foundation flexibility on the across-wind response of reinfo...
The Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Rough Bearing Surfaces of Finite Width
A Mixed-TEHD Model for Journal-Bearing Conformal Contacts—Part I: Model Formulation and Approximation of Heat Transfer Considering ...
Les frontières des entreprises : vers une théorie de la cohérence de la grande entreprise
Die somatische Heteropyknose bei Drosophila melanogaster und ihre genetische Bedeutung
Breathable panty liner
Evaluation of heat and mass transfer coefficients in a gauze-type structured packing air dehumidifier operating with liquid desiccant