- A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.
概念从特定情形或事件中得到或推断出的一般性想法 - Please give me a general idea of the work.
General IdeaGeneral idea:General Idea[The City]Rebel Rebel, Art + Rock, (Revoltes Punk Section).La idea de la palabra según PlatónHow are Patterns Described?CONTENTS 2. Operator Product Expansion for Quarkonium InteractionsGeneral Idea editions : 1967-1995General Idea : haute culture : a retrospective, 1969-1994General Idea's Test Pattern : T.V. Dinner Plates from the Miss General Idea Pavillion with Luncheon MatsThe 1984 Miss General Idea Pavilion : LUXON V. B. : no. 101. --La "idea general"del Eurogrupo es que no habrá prórroga del rescate español