Genetta maculata斑獛
Genetta victoriae大林獛
Genetta johnstoni约氏獛
Genetta tigrina大斑獛
Genetta angolensis安哥拉獛
Genetta deorum东非香猫
Genetta poensis王獛
Genetta cristata冠獛
Genetta abyssinica埃塞俄比亚獛
Erythropoietin after focal cerebral ischemia activates the Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling p...Displacement of an E-box-binding repressor by basic helix-loop-helix proteins: implications for B-cell specificity of the immunoglob...Geographical variation in genet (Genetta genetta L.) diet: a literature reviewTranscriptional repression of the IL-2 gene in Th cells by ZEB.Permanent focal cerebral ischemia activates erythropoietin receptor in the neonatal rat brain318 LONG-TERM BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF ERYTHROPOIETIN GIVEN AFTER NEONATAL STROKE IN POSTNATAL DAY-7 RATSNeuropsychological function in borderline personality disorderSublethal transient global ischemia stimulates migration of neuroblasts and neurogenesis in miceSEASONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPS OF FOOD RESOURCE USE OF MARTES-MARTES, GENETTA-GENETTA AND FELIS-CATUS IN THE BALEARIC-ISLANDSSeasonality and relationships of food resource use of Martes martes, Genetta genetta and Felis cats in the Balearic Islands