Genital swellings in silvered langurs: what do they indicate?Genital swelling in females of the monogamous gibbon, Hylobates (H.) larGenital swelling as a surgical complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysisChimpanzee genital swelling and its role in the pattern of sociosexual behavior.Social behavior and genital swelling in pregnant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)Ovarian hormone concentrations and genital swelling patterns in female chimpanzees with Norplant implantsSerum and urinary concentrations of sex hormones and genital swelling during the menstrual cycle of the gibbonPlasma gonadotropins, prolactin, gonadal steroids, and genital swelling during the menstrual cycle of lowland gorillas.Computed tomographic peritoneography in the investigation of abdominal wall and genital swelling in patients on continuous ambulator...Granulomatous lymphangitis of the scrotum and penis. Report of a case and review of the literature of genital swelling with sarcoida...