geological condition地质状况
geological structure地质构造
geological environment地质环境
geological survey地质调查;地质勘查;地质测量
geological exploration地质勘探;地质勘察;地质勘测
geological mapping地质填图;地质测绘,地质勘察
geological map地质图;工程地质及勘察地质图
geological interpretation地质判读;地质学解释
geological time地质时间;地质年代
geological reserves地质储量
geological section地质剖面;(道路)地质剖面图
geological age地质年代;地质时代;地质年龄
geological profile地质剖面,地质剖面图
geological formation地质建造
geological museum地质博物馆
- The actual geological examples show that the method is effective.
经地质学的实例计算表明,该方法切实可行。 - Geological enthusiasts could also follow a volcanic trail through Central America.
The geological evolution of the Tibetan Plateau.Geological evolution of the tethys belt from the atlantic to the pamirs since the LIASMicrobial carbonates: the geological record of calcified bacterial–algal mats and biofilmsGeodynamics: Applications of Continuum Physics to Geological ProblemsGeodynamics: Applications of Continuum Physics to Geological ProblemsCenozoic geological and plate tectonic evolution of SE Asia and the SW Pacific: computer-based reconstructions, model and animationsMODFLOW-2000, the U.S. geological survey modular ground-water flow model-User guide to modularization concepts and the ground-water ...An accurate X-ray spectrographic method for the analysis of a wide range of geological samplesA Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data: U.S. Geological Survey Professional PaperLand use and land cover classification systems for use with remote sensor data. Washington, DC: US Geological Service