- Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions.
- English is a West Germanic dialect.
英语是西日耳曼语的一支。 - The Teutonic languages derive from Primitive Germanic.
From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-GermanicAspiration and laryngeal representation in GermanicSound Change and Syllable Structure in Germanic PhonologySyntactic saturation phenomena and the modern Germanic languagesDemonstratives and reinforcers in Romance and Germanic languages ☆Gingerly studied tranfer phenomena in Germanic Syntax. The role of the second language in third language acquisitionGingerly studied transfer phenomena in L3 Germanic syntax: The role of the second language in third language acquisitionGingerly studied transfer phenomena in L3 Germanic syntax: The role of the second language in third language acquisitionThe role of the second language in third language acquisition: the case of Germanic syntaxPreference laws for syllable structure and the explanation of sound change: With special reference to German, Germanic, Italian, and...