Geste device in tardive dystonia with retrocollis and opisthotonic posturingLe geste et la paroleThe significance of song repertoires: The Beau Geste hypothesis ☆Spiel - Ritual - Geste : mimetisches Handeln in der sozialen WeltRole of allopregnanolone in regulation of GABA(A) receptor plasticity during long-term exposure to and withdrawal from progesterone.Use of progesterone 11-glucuronide-alkaline phosphatase conjugate in a sensitive microtitre-plate enzymeimmunoassay of progesterone ...Reliability and validity of the DynEx dynamometerTime-triggered garbage collection: robust and adaptive real-time GC scheduling for embedded systems.Song repertoires in the red-winged blackbird ( Agelaius phoeniceus ): A test of the Beau Geste hypothesisTime-triggered garbage collection: robust and adaptive real-time GC scheduling for embedded systems