GhostwriterGhost writerGhostwriterGhostWriter-2.0: Product Reviews with Case-Based SupportGhostwriter: a narrative virtual environment for childrenGhostWriter: Using an LSTM for Automatic Rap Lyric GenerationGhostwriter: Educational Drama and Presence in a Virtual EnvironmentFrom Ghostwriter to Typewriter: Delegating Authority at Fin de SiècleThe GhostWriter-2.0 System: Creating a Virtuous Circle in Web 2.0 Product ReviewingBeing the ghost in the machine: a medical ghostwriter's personal view.The GhostWriter-2.0 Case-Based Reasoning system for making content suggestions to the authors of product reviewsGoverness as Ghostwriter: Unauthorized Authority and Uncanny Authorship in Henry James's "The Turn of the Screw"The CEO as Celebrity Blogger: Is There a Ghost or Ghostwriter in the Machine