gibbosityGibbositygibbosityGibbosity in the complex Lemna gibba/Lemna minor : Literature survey and ecological aspectsSOME ASPECTS OF FLOWERING, GIBBOSITY AND TURION FORMATION IN LEMNACEAECONTROL OF GIBBOSITY IN LEMNA GIBBA G3 BY ETHYLENEDIAMINE‐DI‐O‐HYDROXYPHENYLACETIC ACID (EDDHA)Relationship between gibbosity and Cobb angle during treatment of idiopathic scoliosis with the SpineCor brace.Physiological, morphological and anatomical aspects of gibbosity in Lemna gibbaInfluence of nutrients on the development of gibbosity in fronds of the duckweed Lemna gibba L.Specific interactions in the physiology of flowering and gibbosity of Lemna gibba G3FURTHER INDICATIONS THAT ETHYLENE IS THE GIBBOSITY REGULATOR OF THE LEMNA GIBBA/LEMNA MINOR COMPLEX IN NATURAL WATERSInteraction of naphthol with EDDHA/salicylic acid in flowering and gibbosity of Lemna gibba G3Inter-observer reproducibility of back surface topography parameters allowing assessment of scoliotic thoracic gibbosity and compari...