- Even for adults too. They have lecture series, and if you write a book, and you are an author, you might come and give a talk about your book or give a reading from your book, and people will come and in the evenings after work.
对成人也是这样,图书馆里还有系列演讲,如果你是一本书的作者,你可以到图书馆去谈一谈自己的作品,朗咏其中的某些片段。人们在下班后可以到这里来参加这些活动。 - He offered to give a talk on his travels in India, but he got the bird.
他主动提出作一个关于他印度之行的报告,但被拒绝了。 - I've been invited to give a talk at the conference.
Useful information when participating in a seminar
... Your Ego
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