musculi depressor glabellae 翻译 ; 眉间降肌
musculi corrugator glabellae 皱眉肌 ; 翻译
musculus depressor glabellae眉间降肌
GlabellastützeAdditional Fossils from the Cambrian Rocks of Comley, ShropshireChoroidal embolization and skin necrosis after percutaneous injection of Calcium Hydroxylapatite filler: A case reportGlabellastütze für zahnärztliche SchnellübertragungsbögenUnit approach to glabella reconstructionPeperomia (PIPERACEAE) DA ILHA DA TRINDADE (BRASIL): UM CASO DE ISOLAMENTO?Treatment of glabellae frownlines with Cborulinum-A exotoxinGlabella tap signMarginella glabella (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Marginellidae): a new alien species from tropical West Africa established in southern Med...An Ecological Study of Certain Ferns: Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link and Pellaea glabella Mettenius