glacially disturbed冰川扰乱的
glacially striated冰川条痕
glacially eroded trough 冰川刻蚀槽 ; 冰蚀槽
Glacially Tra orted Fragment冰川搬运的岩块
glacially eroded material冰蚀物
glacially transported fragment冰川搬运的岩块
That’s trueintemperate regions, where glaciers—glacially—flowdownhill.Over thousandsof years, the frozen masses canscrapemiles off of mountains.
Insteadof happening kind of glacially, you're onthe beach right where the wateriscoming in and it's constantly changing the way the sand is laid out, "he said.
Glacially folded outwash near lago llanquihue, southern lake district, chile
The Origin of Glacially Fluted Surfaces-Observations and Theory
Glacially-influenced deep-marine sedimentation of the Late Precambrian Gaskiers Formation, Newfoundland, Canada
The Barra Fan: A bottom-current reworked, glacially-fed submarine fan system
Tuffs, tectonism and glacially related sea-level changes, Carboniferous–Permian, southern Namibia
Seasonal dynamics of benthic Foraminifera in a glacially fed fjord of Svalbard, European Arctic
Cosmic ray production rates of 10 Be and 26 Al in quartz from glacially polished rocks
Contributions from glacially derived sediment to the global iron (oxyhydr)oxide cycle: Implications for iron delivery to the oceans
The origins of glacially related soft-sediment deformation structures in Upper Ordovician glaciogenic rocks: implication for ice-she...
Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the North Sea Fan: Glacially-fed gravity flow aprons, hemipelagic sediments, and large submarine ...