Temperate zone fens of the glaciated Midwestern USA.The Systematics of Salmonid Fishes of Recently Glaciated LakesEcology of Red Maple Swamps in the Glaciated Northeast: A Community ProfileAfter the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America (Book)Disequilibrium of Holocene Sediment Yield in Glaciated British ColumbiaRegionalized drought flow hydrographs from a mature glaciated plateauAfter the Ice Age. The Return of Life to Glaciated North America. by E. C. PielouINFLUENCE OF WEATHER EXTREMES ON THE WATER LEVELS OF GLACIATED PRAIRIE WETLANDSA Repopulation. (Book Reviews: After the Ice Age. The Return of Life to Glaciated North America.)Cryptic species diversity and evolution in the amphipod genus Hyalella within central glaciated North America: a molecular phylogene...