Gladiatorial Combat: The Rules of EngagementWFB: The Gladiatorial Style and the Politics of Provocation'The Gladiatorial Lust for Blood': The Media and Soccer ViolenceAustralia: Gladiatorial Parties and Volatile Media in a Stable PolityGladiatorial Ranking and the "SC de Pretiis Gladiatorum Minuendis"(CIL II 6278 = ILS 5163)The presentation of gladiatorial spectacles in the Greek East: Roman culture and Greek identityHow Gladiatorial Movies and Martial Arts Cinema Influenced the Development of The Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipVictory and Defeat in the Roman Arena: the Evidence of Gladiatorial IconographyDinamyc Arenas: Gladiatorial presentations in the city of Rome and the Construction of Roman Society during the Early EmpireDynamic Arenas: Gladiatorial Presentations in the City of Rome and the Construction of Roman Society during the Early Empire