A CEPHALOMETRIC EVALUATION OF THE UVULO-GLOSSO- PHARYNGEAL DIMENSIONS IN SKELETAL CLASS II EGYPTIAN ADOLESCENTS WITH A HIGH AND LOW ...glosso-, gloss–glosso-, gloss-Further fructi¢cations of the Glosso- pteridae and a provisional classi¢cation based on themUvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns.Antecedents of burning mouth syndrome (glossodynia)--recent life events vs. psychopathologic aspects.Introduction of Glossostigma (Phrymaceae) to North America: A taxonomic and ecological overviewChemical defenses of three Glossodoris nudibranchs and their dietary Hyrtios spongesMicrosurgical Vascular Decompression (MVD) in Trigeminal and Glosso-Vago-Pharyngeal Neuralgias. A Twenty Year ExperienceUvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in subjects with beta-thalassaemia major.