to eat and drink gluttonously胡吃海喝
The case of the gluttonously gourmandizing galsAmerica is in trouble, gluttonously speakingDigestive mechanics and gluttonous feeding in the feather star Oligometra serripinna (Echinodermata: Crinoidea)View from Lima: The Capital of Peru, Lima Was Once a City That Lived in Contented Harmony with Its Strange Ecology and Landscape. bu...Multicode chip-interleaved DS-CDMA to effect synchronous correlation of spreading codes in quasi-synchronous transmission over multi...The feeding habits and the growth of Paracanthobrama guichenoti in early developmental stage under artificial farming conditions.Mr. Bean in Room 426Surveillance and DomesticationQuicklet on TED Talks: Dan Gilbert: Why Are We Happy?Fat Bastard (Character)