The mandibular gnathal edges: homologous structures across Mandibulata?Antenna and all gnathal appendages are similarly transformed by homothorax knock-down in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatusProboscipedia represses distal signaling in the embryonic gnathal limb fields of Tribolium castaneumcaudal is required for gnathal and thoracic patterning and for posterior elongation in the intermediate-germband cricket Gryllus bim...A comparison of the mandibular gnathal edges in branchiopod crustaceans: implications for the phylogenetic position of the Laevicaud...Glands in the head capsule of coccinellid beetles with a discussion on some aspects of gnathal glandsMorphological and Transcriptomic Analysis of a Beetle Chemosensory System Reveals a Gnathal Olfactory Center:The Mandibles of a Halocyprid Ostracode (Halocypridina: Halocypridae): A New Record of Mandibular Gnathal Edges with a "Lacinia Mobi...Molecular developmental evidence for a subcoxal origin of pleurites in insects and identity of the subcoxa in the gnathal appendagesA gustatory second-order neuron that connects sucrose-sensitive primary neurons and a distinct region of the gnathal ganglion in the...