- He had been very lazy but he is go to turn over a new leaf and work hard.
他以前一直很懒,但他将改过自新努力工作。 - When you get off at Wan-hua, go straight forward.
在万华下车后,再向前直走。 - Go straight to the next intersection and turn left.
Merry-go-round My Collection of Jokes
Laser photodynamic therapy for papilloma viral lesions
Application of charge-coupled device technology for measurement of laser light and fluorescence distribution in tumors for photodyna...
Biological consequences of fiber fragmentation with pulsed laser lithotripsy
Just CAWS: Cullman-Area Workforce Solutions seeks to strengthen local labor
Fabiana Piccolo
Perceived Sexual Orientation and Attitudes
Temperature sensor
Layered heat exchangers
Synthesis and in vitro cytotoxicity of cryptophycins and related analogs