GODIVAGodivaGodiva II—An Unmoderated Pulse-Irradiation Reactor*Godiva's Ride: Women of Letters in England, 1830-1880 by Dorothy MerminGODIVA: lightweight data management for scientific visualization applicationsThe Neutron Spectral Distribution from a Godiva Type Critical AssemblyCROSS SECTIONS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS IN THE GODIVA AND JEZEBEL CRITICAL ASSEMBLIESReactivity Contributions of Various Materials in Topsy, Godiva, and JezebelNew records of two alien opisthobranch molluscs from the north-eastern Atlantic: Polycera hedgpethi and Godiva quadricolorComparative studies on the histology of the ovotestis in Hypselodoris tricolor and Godiva banyulensis (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia),...