A draft séquence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica) : The rice genome中世纪的知识分子A detailed model of reverse transcription and tests of crucial aspectsDifferential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks.Bone marrow as a potential source of hepatic oval cellsIntegrative annotation of human large intergenic noncoding RNAs reveals global properties and specific subclassesGlycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange.Differential analysis of gene regulation at transcript resolution with RNA-seqRole of diuretics in the prevention of heart failure: the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack TrialCloning the gene for an inherited human disorder—chronic granulomatous disease—on the basis of its chromosomal location