[Gonidial forms of bacteria; preliminary communication]The Gonidial Stages in Spirillum spp. and Vibrio spp.Volvox carteri cleaving embryo/gonidial-specific mRNA G167, complete sequenceCharacterization of gonidial zone of Cycas revoluta coralloid roots by means of microelectrodesDiurnal rhythm of the gonidial cleavage initiation in a natural population of Volvox (in Russian, English summary)Determination of the timing of the gonidial cleavage onset in Volvox aureus and Volvox tertius (in Russian, English summary)Studies on staphylococcus mutation: a naturally occurring "G"gonidial variant and its carbon dioxide requirements.Studies on Staphylococcus mutation; characteristics of the G (gonidial) variant and factors concerned in its production.Studies on Staphylococcus mutation; an investigation of the growth requirements of a G (gonidial) variant.Localization of calcium in the cyanobiont and gonidial zone of Cycas revoluta Thunb. by microelectrodes, chlorotetracycline, electr...