Goofy Animation System
Goofy coordinates the acuity of olfactory signaling.
Goofy management: taking the magic to the workplace.
Goofy Guide Game: affordances and constraints for engagement and oral communication in English
‘In the Goofy parking lot’: growth churches as a novel religious form for late capitalism
The revisionaries: The Tea Party's goofy fetish for amending the Constitution
Idris Elba joins Disney's Zootopia cast as a brawny, goofy buffalo cop
TileCal Beam Test Simulation Application in the FADS/Goofy Framework (GEANT4)
Lyft Taps Virgin America’s Design Honcho to Transform Its Goofy Image
Deconstructing Google Bombs: A Breach of Symbolic Power or Just a Goofy Prank?