- The contract itself provided notice of the risks, and the grantee still contracted.
合同本身规定了风险,受让人仍然签约。 - The deed expressly reserves the right to remove all of the coal udner the land, and puts the risk of loss of the surface property on the grantee.
Money Follows the Person Demonstration: Overview of State Grantee Progress, January to June 2011. Cambridge, MA: Mathematica Policy ...
Money Follows the Person Demonstration: Overview of State Grantee Progress, January to December 2016
Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 89 Las Vegas, NV Whereas,the Nevada Development Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 89...
Centers for Disease Control and
Electrical control circuits
What Prevents State Covering Kids & Families' Grantees from Achieving the Program's Goals? A Synthesis of Findings on Barriers, 2003...
Linear numerical-magnitude representations aid children's memory for numbers.
Perceptual Learning and the Technology of Expertise: Studies in Fraction Learning and Algebra.
A tutoring system that simulates the highly interactive nature of human tutoring.
Disciplinary Literacies and Learning to Read for Understanding: A Conceptual Framework of Core Processes and Constructs.