- During his early childhood in Graz, Austria, Schwarzenegger was encouraged by his father to become involved in athletics.
在奥地利格拉茨度过的早期儿童时代期间,施瓦辛格的父亲鼓励他参与运动。 - The Graz group achieved similar results and imaged the patterns of the plasmons carried along the chains.
Current trends in Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research.Graz-BCI: state of the art and clinical applications.15 years of BCI research at graz university of technology: current projects[Prevalence and risk factors in the population of Graz (Austrian Stroke Prevention Study)].Hubbard, H. William Auf dem Weg zur Groβstadt. Eine Sozialgeschichte der Stadt Graz 1850–1914. In Sozial- und...Khuepach, Artur von, and Heinrich von Bayer, Geschichte der k. k. Kriegsmarine 1814–1847. Graz: Hermann...Late escape from an immunodominant cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response associated with progression to AIDSConversion of adult pancreatic α-cells to β-cells after extreme β-cell lossDolbeare, F. A., Grazner, H. G., Pallavicini, M. G. & Gray, J. W.. Flow cytometric measurement of total DNA content and incorporated...Conversion of adult pancreatic alpha-cells to beta-cells after extreme beta-cell loss.