- But he is acknowledging continued partisan gridlock in Congress.
但他承认在国会党派僵局仍然存在。 - The risk then is that a continuation of political gridlock would stop further economic reforms in Germany.
Gridlock signalling pathway fashions the first embryonic artery.
Urban gridlock: Macroscopic modeling and mitigation approaches
gridlock, an HLH gene required for assembly of the aorta in zebrafish.
The Dynamics of Legislative Gridlock, 1947-96
Gridlock, a localized heritable vascular patterning defect in the zebrafish
Risk assessment of GM plants: avoiding gridlock?
Mouse gridlock: no aortic coarctation or deficiency, but fatal cardiac defects in Hey2 -/- mice.
Breaking Spectrum Gridlock With Cognitive Radios: An Information Theoretic Perspective
Let their people come : breaking the gridlock on international labor mobility
Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet by David G. Victor