HaemacytometerOn the Error of Counting with a HaemacytometerThe distribution of blood cells on haemacytometer counting chambers with special reference to the amended British Standards Specific...Note: direct phytoplankton counting techniques, using the haemacytometerSIZE DETERMINATION WITH THE HAEMACYTOMETERCell adherence as a serious source of error in the haemacytometer count of leucocytes in artificial suspensionsTroubleshooting of AC-900+ Haemacytometer Abnormal Testing ResultTHE TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT: A COMPARISON OF THE HAEMACYTOMETER METHOD WITH THE DREYER SINTON FOWL CELL TECHNIQUEThe total leucocyte count with special reference to the haemacytometer.A method of measuring the depth of haemacytometer couting chamber cells