- Conclusion The therapeutic effects of orthotopic liver transplantation for treating giant cavernous haemangioma of liver were satisfactory.
结论原位肝移植治疗肝脏巨大海绵状血管瘤疗效令人鼓舞。 - Exploratory laparotomy combining with intraoperative endoscopy is considered to be the most effective method for diagnosis of the small intestine haemangioma.
WHO Classification of tumors. pathology and genetics of tumors of the lung, pleura, thymus and heartHepatic haemangiomata: diagnosis and management.Propranolol for infantile haemangiomas: insights into the molecular mechanisms of action.Propranolol as first-line treatment for rapidly proliferating Infantile Haemangiomas ☆Propranolol for complicated infantile haemangiomas: a case series of 30 infantsEpithelioid haemangioma (Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia) and kimura’s disease in chineseHaemangioma of the urinary bladder.Colo‐anal sleeve anastomosis in the treatment of diffuse cavernous haemangioma involving the rectumTREATMENT OF HAEMANGIOMAS OF THE SKINPropranolol therapy for infantile haemangiomas: review of the literature.