Haemostatic changes in pregnancy.Haemostatic Function and Ischaemic Heart DiseaseHAEMOSTATIC FUNCTION AND ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASEHaemostatic function and platelet polyunsaturated fatty acids in EskimosHaemostatic function and cardiovascular death: early results of a prospective study.Haemostatic function and ischaemic heart disease: principal results of the Northwick Park Heart Study.Seven haemostatic gene polymorphisms in coronary disease: meta-analysis of 66,155 cases and 91,307 controlsReduced haemostatic factor transfusion using heparinase-modified thrombelastography during cardiopulmonary bypassReversal of anticoagulant effects of edoxaban, an oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor, with haemostatic agentsModerate alcohol intake and lower risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of effects on lipids and haemostatic factors