PENGADAAN BERAS KUALITAS MEDIUM DI PERUM BULOG SUB DIVISI REGIONAL SURABAYA UTARAAYURVEDA - UM TRATAMENTO DE SAUDE QUE NAO AGRIDE O SEU CORPOUse of Mixtures of Mesotrione, Imazethapyr, and Imazethapyr plus Imazapyr in Imidazolinone-Resistant Corn (Zea mays)1DC-Link Stabilization and Voltage Sag Ride-Through of Inverter DrivesACTIVE SUBSTANCE COMBINATIONS HAVING INSECTICIDAL PROPERTIESViolência doméstica contra a mulher: realidades e representações sociais Domestic violence against women: realities and social r...Formas contemporâneas de negociação com a depredaçãoIn vitro plant regeneration of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) with emphasis on initial culture establishment.Study on the DC-Side Oscillation Mechanism Analysis and Suppression Strategy for Metro Traction Drive SystemUma análise da homofobia sob a perspectivada análise do comportamento